var msg = $.extend({ /* MENU */ 'START' : "Home", 'DATES' : "Dates", 'PROGRAMME' : "Schedule", 'SPEAKERS' : "Speakers", 'ORGANIZERS' : "Organizers", 'ATTENDEES' : "Attendees", 'SPONSORS' : "Sponsors", 'DOCUMENTATION' : "Documentation", 'VIDEOS' : "Videos", /* DATES */ 'OPENING_DATE' : "Opening date", 'CLOSING_DATE' : "Closing date", 'TIMEZONE_WARNING' : "Event local time", /* CONTACT */ 'CONTACT' : "Contact", 'SUBMIT' : "Send", 'CONTACT_NAME' : "Your name", 'CONTACT_EMAIL' : "Your email", 'CONTACT_SUBJECT' : "Subject", 'CONTACT_CAPTCHA_TOOLTIP' : "Write the words appearing in the box", 'CONTACT_MSG_TOOLTIP' : "You must write the content of the message", 'CONTACT_NAME_TOOLTIP' : "Please, let us know your name", 'CONTACT_EMAIL_TOOLTIP' : "A valid email is mandatory", 'CONTACT_SUBJECT_TOOLTIP' : "You must state a subject", 'SEND_ARCHIVES' : "Sending of documents", 'EDITING' : "Edition", 'COMUNICATION_THEME' : "Paper track", 'DESC_COMUNICATION_THEME' : "Track description", 'COMUNICATION_TITLE' : "Paper title", 'COMUNICATION_TITLE_ALERT' : "please, enter a title", 'COMUNICATION_DESC' : "Brief description of the paper", 'COMUNICATION_TITLE_DESC' : "Please, provide a description for the file", 'AUTHOR_NAME_AND_SURNAME' : "Author name and surname", 'AUTHOR_NAME_AND_SURNAME_ALERT' : "please, enter the author name", 'AUTHOR_EMAIL' : "Contact email address", 'AUTHOR_EMAIL_ALERT' : "please, enter the author email", 'ADD_AUTHOR_BUTTON' : "Add author", 'ABSTRACT' : "Abstract", 'PAPER' : "Paper", 'ALLOWED_UPLOAD_DATES_OPENED' : "You will be able to update the document as many times as necessary as long as the uploading periods are open.", 'ABSTRACT_UPLOAD_CLOSED' : "The deadline to upload an abstract is closed. You may upload the paper as soon as your abstract is accepted.", 'PAPER_UPLOAD_OPENED' : "The paper uploading period is already open.", 'PAPER_UPLOAD_CLOSED' : "The deadline to upload a paper is closed. Click here to view accepted abstracts.", 'PAPER_UPLOAD_CLOSED_WAIT' : "The deadline to upload an abstract is closed. You can upload the paper as soon as the reception deadline opens.", 'UPLOAD': "Sending of documents", 'FILE' : "File", 'FILE_TYPE' : "File type", 'SELECT_FILE' : "Select file", 'SELECT_FILE_ALERT' : "Please, provide a file to upload and wait until the upload is completed", 'CONTINUE' : "Continue", 'COMMENTS' : "Comments", 'NEW_COMMENT' : "New comment", 'NEW_COMMENT_ALERT' : "The comment is mandatory.", 'COMMENT_TEXTAREA_PLACEHOLDER' : "Add your comment here (255 characters max.)", 'COMMENT_TEXTAREA_TITLE': "This field is mandatory", 'COMMENT' : "Comment", 'USER_NEED_REGISTER' : "You must be a registered user. Access as a registered user in order to submit files to the organizers.", 'CATEGORIES' : "Categories:", 'DONATE' : "Donate", 'DELETE' : "Delete", 'SEND' : "Send", 'CODE_IN_YOUR_SITE' : "Spread this event embedding this code at your site", 'LANGUAGE' : "Language", 'LOGOUT' : "Log out", 'LOGIN' : "Login", 'WHAT_DO' : "What do you want to do?", 'REGISTER' : "Register", 'SEATS_AVAILABLE' : "Available seats", 'SHARE_EMAIL' : "Share by email", 'SHARE_EMAIL_SHORT' : "Share by email", 'EMAILS_SEPARATE_COMAS' : "Enter one or more emails separated by commas", 'DESTINATION_EMAIL_TITLE' : "Enter the email you want to send the event", 'FROM' : "From", 'TO' : "To", 'ORGANIZER_NAME' : "Organized by", 'TELEPHONE' : "Contact phone:", 'EDIT_ATTENDING' : "Edit registration", 'MORE_ATTENDINGS' : "More enrollments", 'TAGS' : "Labels", 'ATTENDEES' : "Attendees", 'LIST_ATTENDEES' : "This list shows only those who have made public their attendance", 'NEWS' : "News", 'PROGRAMME' : "Schedule", 'SPEAKERS' : "Speakers", 'SPONSORS' : "Sponsors", 'MY_FILES' : "My files", 'VIDEOS' : "Videos", 'PLAY_VIDEO' : "Click on a video to play", 'EVENT_FILES' : "Event files", 'EVENT_FILES_RSS' : "Use this RSS link to get updates each time a new file is submitted with your favourite news reader application.", 'SUBSCRIBE' : "Subscribe", 'ABSTRACT_CLOSED' : "The deadline to upload an abstract is closed. Check the dates and contact the event organizers if you think it is an error.", 'STATS' : "Statistics", 'VISITS' : "visits", 'ATTENDEES' : "attendees", 'CONFIRMED' : "confirmed", 'DELETE_COMMENT_TITLE': "Are you sure you want to delete this message?", 'DELETE_COMMENT_BODY': "This change can not be undone.", 'YES': "Yes", 'NO': "No", 'ABOUT_EVENT': "About the event", 'FOLLOW_TWITTER': "Follow the event on Twitter", 'MORE_TWEETS': "More tweets >>", 'SHARE_EVENT': "Share this event", 'IMPORTANT_DATES': "Relevant dates", 'CUSTOM_COLORS_TITLE': "Customize your event colors", 'CUSTOM_COLORS_CONTENT': "Click on the brush icon and customize your event appearance. You can restore the default colors clicking on the circular arrow icon.", 'EVENT_PLACE': "Event place", /* COLORS OVERLAY */ 'CUSTOMIZE_COLORS': "Customize colors", 'RESTORE_COLORS': "Restore default colors", 'HIGHLIGHT_COLOR': "Main color", 'HIGHLIGHT_CONTRAST_COLOR': "Main text", 'HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR': "Header background", 'HEADER_FONT_COLOR': "Header text", 'BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR': "Panels background", 'BLOCK_HEADER_COLOR': "Panels title", 'BLOCK_BORDER_COLOR': "Panels border", 'MENU': "MENU", /* UPLOAD */ 'ABSTRACT' : "Abstract", 'PAPER' : "Paper", 'WORD_LIMIT_TOOLTIP' : "The organization wants to limit the size of abstracts, so you must enter the content of it in the following text field.", 'LIMITED_TO' : "Limited to", 'WORDS' : "words", 'REMAINING_WORDS' : "remaining words.", 'LIMIT_EXCEEDED' : "The length exceeds the words limit.", 'READ_ACCEPT' : "I have read and I accept the ", 'LEGAL_AND_LOPD' : "Legal notification and LOPD", 'LEGAL_ADVICE' : "Legal notice", 'FOOTER_TEXT' : "Plataforma de organizaciĆ³n de eventos Symposium", /* TEST */ 'TEST' : 'TEST' }, msg || {});